Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hari Raya!

To all Islams, Selamat Hari Raya ! :DDD


Saturday, September 19, 2009


Just want to wish everyone Happy Hari Raya and Happy Holidays for 1 week.

To moral students,
Don't forget to memorise 36 nilai and definisi or you'll be kicked out of class!

Ok that's all.
Have fun celebrating at your hometown or at home..

And if you bought yesterday's (18/09/09) newspaper, you can see our pictures from the photoshoot thing.


Friday, September 18, 2009

urm.. homework on 17/9/09

Sup hommies, this is the Geo work on Thursday for those who tak datang.

DO IN GEO NOTEBOOK: 154 rajah 13.2 157 rajah 13.4 158 aktiviti pengukuhan no.1 159 tahukah anda?, jadual 13.2 160 peta 13.6, tahukah anda?

oh,oh! and I've got this recipe from the show Nigella Express :)

CHOCOLATE MOUSSE- super bloody easy

1. heat up 50g of unsalted butter in pan and put in mini marshmallows (about 2 cups)
2. when the marshmallows melt a lil, put in chocolate chips (about 2 cups aswell)
3. let the marshmallows and chocolate chips melt and simmer for a while.
4.while those stuff simmer, mix 50 ml of cream with 2 tablespoons of vanilla essence.
5.put the cream into the simmered marshmallows+chocolate chips( by now it should resemble some chocolate cream thingy) and stir well
6. put the mixture in cups, or whatever that is suitable e.g: dessert bowls, small cups, trays..
and then shove it into the fridge for about an hour.
7. Kau tim.serve with bits of white chocolate/crushed peanuts/cherries/biscuits....basically anything you like that goes well with chocolate mousse. I myself went for crushed peanuts :)

This recipe rocks. Hope it turns out well on your side ppl.

signing off,

Gilamad woman. Guess siapa. :P

and BTW, HAPPY RAYA guys!
after a whole month of berpuasa-ing, go and do your stomachs justice by eating well yeah.
DON'T OVERSTUFF you gluttons!! -.-

p.s: our blog should NOT put any music up like 1 Bestari's. I think its better our blog stick to being quiet cuz everyone has different taste in music.

one awesome terrific fantabulous great holiday!

SELAMAT HARI RAYA for the muslims
HAPPY HOLIDAYS! for the non-muslims :)
Thanks Keen Meng for putting the clock :) yawww! Lynette updated !:) im re-putting the pic for the header , aite :)
Emily was here :)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

O thanks Keen Meng for putting a clock SUCCESFULY not like some ppl who doesn't knw how... Anyway wanna wish all the malays Selamat Hari Raya and to non malays Happy Holiday. N Remember to do your seni projek also.hehe =]

Lynette =]

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Ahem ahem. As you can see.... i have successfully put up a clock unlike SOME people... :D

Keen Meng

Monday, September 14, 2009



dont u just love our blog..
and yes im responsible for its new change in beauty XDD
but its because of the whole class' contribution..=)

anyways as some of u know..
i tried to put a clock in this blog...
but i its hard..
so if any of u know how to...that'll be cool=D
i like the drawing one and de orange XP
its ok if u dun understand=p

well thenn...
we r actually suppose to hantar our seni origami today(14 sept 09)
but since en.jam didnt come so yea..
the seni projek oso MEANT to hantar this week
but lets hope teacher is lenient enuf till selepas hari raya=)
try to hantar ASAP la k?
thats all frome me today=)


hope u all r having a great time...

-Winnie da Poo-

14.09.09 Homework

Hello people.

Today we have very little homework.. don't worry. (:

BM : Karangan Bahan Rangsangan. Title is Kebaikan Menyertai Kegiatan Kokurikulum. (I'm not sure what page but it's in the red book at Bahan Rangsangan section)

Maths : Pass up your Maths 2.

Sejarah : 30 soalan kuiz. Teacher read out so no homework.

Seni : Teacher didn't come so we went library.

Do BM nilam, must pass up this Thursday.
Remember to study for exams. I think exam is after Hari Raya holidays..
For tomorrow, finish your 2 science reports.

Someone from Anissa's antologi group, please post the questions for our last quiz if you have the paper..

I finally can log in so I decided to post something useful. :D Exam is coming, post more.

weii .

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hari Canteen

Wassup people. As you all know,Hari Kantin will be on the....... something November la so it will be for a few days soooo.... write in the cbox whatever youthink we should sell on those days other than mix rice!

Keen Meng


Canteen day will be held on 5th october i think and we are selling doughnuts! Yum! I hope..... -_-

Friday, September 11, 2009

Homework For 11/9/09

Ello peeps!

For those of you who did not attend lesson today,

ICTL: Just some computer stuff-no notes

BI: Some work from the blue colour book.

BM: Novel quiz....(= Everyone was trying to get it done fast because the last group will be punished.

Geo: Copy sepintas lalu page 144,don't draw the picture..replace it with the names based on the pictures 1. Hutan Hujan Tropika 2. Hutan Paya Air Masin 3. Hutan Paya Air Tawar 4. Hutan Pantai 5. Hutan Gunung Latihan subjektif page 146-do number 1,2

That's all for today.....Don't forget your seni..


Tuesday, September 8, 2009


=D Guess Who

anyways people Todays Home work ( 8/9/09)
  • Maths chapter 12 exercise 4 Do all in maths 1 (this im not sure but i did in maths 1)
  • Sejarah for all you lazy people COMPLETE YOUR sejarah bab 9 nota and Latihan
  • English Do Your Literature
  • Bm All the antologi Stuff :) (do your KBKK okayXp)
  • Science Exercise 7.3 in Science 1 =C

i am not responsible for any wrong Posts =D
I was here --> o
-( )-

Someone Fat And Retarded Xp

080909 (HOMEWORKS)

Mathematic: Exercise4,all.. (pg155)
Sejarah: Nota Bab8
English: Bring ur nilam book tomorrow
Science: Exercise7.3,pg117 (Exercise Book1)

P/S : pass up ur seni note book,"The Birds" and ur folio after Raya......
SEBIRU WARNA LAUT (syair menyambut pelajaran)

1. Berdasarkan rangkap keempat,mengapakah kita perlu memberikan sepenuh perhatian terhadap pengajaran guru?

A)Sebagai menghargai jasa guru
B)memberikan peluang kepada guru untuk mencurah ilmu
C)Agar kita tidak bersembang dengan rakan-rakan yang lain
D)Supaya kita dapat memahami pengajaran guru

2. "Laksana menumbuk beralas nyiru"
Frasa di atas merupakan gaya bahasa


3. Perkara yang menerangkan pelajar harus mencatat nota semasa pengajarn guru terdapat dalam

A)Rangkap pertama
B)Rangkap Kedua
C)Rangkap keempat
D)Rangkap kelima

4. Maksud kata pendeta ialah..

C)Ahli Fikir
D)Orang yang mempunyai banyak ilmu

5.Apakah perkataan Arab yang terdapat dalam syair menyambut pelajaran


Pu3 was here!!

siapkan tau! :D

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hidup Remaja Group

1. "Budi baik rasa nak junjung'
Gaya bahasa apakah digunakan dalam baris perkataan nak?
A. Sinkop
B. Metafora
C. Anafora
D. Personifikasi

2. "Tanam serai tanam halia,
Tanam juga pokok sengkuang"
Apakah gaya bahasa yang digunakan?
A. Metafora
B. Aliterasi
C. Asonasi
D. Anafora

3. Berikut adalah bentuk yang terdapat dalam pantun budi kecuali,
A. Terikat
B. Rima a,b,a,b
C. Tiga baris satu rangkap
D. Mempunyai pembayang dan maksud

4. Apakah maksud rangkap keempat dalam Pantun Budi?
A. Orang budi akan sentiasa dipandang mulia
B. Orang kaya akan dipandang mulia dimana-mana sahaja
C. Orang budi akan disanjung tinggi di mana-mana sahaja
D. Budi yang baik tetap dikenang biarpun orang yang berbudi itu telah meninggal dunia

5. Berikut adalah persoalan dalam Pantun Budi kecuali
A. Penghargaan terhadap orang yang berbudi
B. Budi tidak boleh disamakan dengan wang
C. Sesuatu perkara yang berlaku biarlah dapat diterima akal
D. Sikap suka berterus-terang dan sedia memaafkan kesalahan orang lain

Friday, September 4, 2009

where's hidup remaja's questions ?


Yes, hello peoples :)
where's the hidup remaja's questions for anotologi ? /:)

homeworks ;
  • Maths
  • sejarah
  • English
  • science
  • SENI!!!!


P/S : please update if anyone doesnt update. i gave you the email and ps/wrd redi :)

Emily was here! - very lame post -____-

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Divya Antologi's Group

!. "Dahulu sayang sekarang benci,
dahulu sayang sekarang benci"
(The one I bold is the underlined word)
Apakah gaya bahasa perkataan bergaris?
A. metafora
B Hiperbola
C. Anafora
D. Paradoks

2. Apakah tema pantun ini?
A. tidak mengamalkan sikap negatif dalam kehidupan
B jangan menjadi orang yang tidak berguna
C. menunjukan masalah masyarakat
D menunjukkan pelbagai ragam dalam kehidupan masyarakat

3. "Banyak udang banyak garam.
banyak orang,banyak ragam"
Apakah gaya bahasa yang terdapat dalam petikan di atas?
A. personifikasi
B. metafora
C. repitisi
D. monolog

5. Berapakah perkataan dalam satu baris?
A. 5-7
B. 4-5
C. 4-8
D. 3-5

6. Berapakah suku kata dalam setiap baris?
A. 8-12
B. 8-13
C. 7-11
D. 7-12

8. Apakah maksud rangkap pertama yang terdapat di pantun dua kerat?
A. Orang yang suka berbohong lama laun akan melakuakan perbuatan mencuri
B. Apabila perut lapar, semua makanan terasa sedap
C. Sesuatu itu sepatutnya berada di tempat yang sesuai
D. Bunyi ayam yang berkoko menandakan hari hampir siang

9. Antara berikut merupakan persoalan dalam antun dua kerat kecuali
A. tidak mengamalkan sikap negatif dalam kehidupan
B. melakukan kerja yang tidak bertentangan dgn cara hidup
C. sikap seseorang akan berubah mengikut peredaran masa
D. bertanggungjawab terhadap alam sekitar

Anissa was here!

Sebiru Warna Laut :)

Urmm. This is the antologi quiz for Sebiru Warna Laut group :)

1. Apakah tema pantun kanak-kanak?
A. Pengajaran pada kanak-kanak
B. Menghargai ilmu
C. Nasihat kepada kanak-kanak
D. Mengenang Jasa

2. "Bulan purnama datang menerpa"
Apakah gaya bahasa ayat tersebut?
A. Simile
B. Peribahasa
C. Personafikasi
D. Asonasi

3. Persoalan yang terdapat di pantun kanak-kanak, kecuali
A. Orang malas sentiasa rugi
B. Belajar bersungguh-sungguh
C. Mentaati ibubapa/orang yang lebih tua
D. Menghargai orang yang menimba ilmu

4. Semua berikut adalah bentuk pantun kanak-kanak, kecuali
A. 8-12 suku kata satu baris
B. 4-5 perkataan satu baris
C. terikat
D. rima abab

5. Apakah nilai yang terdapat dalam pantun kanak-kanak?
A. Kita mestilah berbakti kepada ibu bapa
B. Kita mesti sayang menyayang
C. Haruslah bertanggungjawab
D. Mestilah mempunyai keazaman

6. "Terang bulan di malam sepi"
Apakah gaya bahasa yang terdapat di petikan di atas?
A. Inversi
B. Aliterasi
C. Asonasi
D. Anafora

Okay, there it goes. Good luck ! Haha!

p/s : Don't forget to do your maths homework, people !

Adlyn was here :)

Don't Forget

Ok, hello oneaktif !

To Antologi leader/whoever has that quiz paper .

Please, please, please, please, please bring your group quiz paper to school
tomorrow. I want to copy it. Oh, and if you are the leader/whoever has that quiz paper, please put your name at the ShoutMix.

Even better, you can post it on this blog. So, everyone can see and copy. Please & Thank You :)

Adlyn was here :)